2 Row Malting Barley

AAC Connect
- High yielding
- Malt quality similar of AC Metcalfe
- Good standability
- Short, strong straw
- Lower wort viscosity and beta glucan content
Find the technical bulletin here

CDC Churchill
- Yield 117% of AC Metcalfe and 103% of AAC Synergy
- Low grain protein and malt beta glucan
- Moderately resistant to stem rust, netted net blotch and spotted net blotch
- 4 cm shorter than AC Metcalfe
Find the technical bulletin here.
2 Row Feed Barley

CDC Austenson
- Large, plump kernels with high test weight (87% plump kernels)
- Improved leaf disease resistance compared to Xena
- Resistant to stem rust
- Resistant to covered and false loose smut
Find the technical bulletin here.